
What Is #BrideHour?

#BrideHour is held each Thursday between 8pm & 9pm over on Twitter and is for anyone who wants to talk about weddings.

We are a friendly bunch and are available to offer advice, tips and tricks on the adventure that is wedding planning!

Wedding Suppliers
A great opportunity to network with fellow wedding suppliers, collaborate on projects and ask advice. From florists and dress designers to bouquet preservers and entertainers, we love to hear what you've been up to and what's popular with your clients.

Brides & Grooms
We will save you the time and the searching by bringing the suppliers to you! Are you looking for that hard to find wedding dress or something to make your guests go WOW? Chances are that if they are not at #bridehour, there will be someone else who can make suggestions. What's a better recommendation than from another supplier? We also love to hear your thoughts on the wedding planning process. Tell suppliers what you want so they can improve the service they offer and if you have received exceptional service, let us know.

To join in, all you need to do is include the hashtag #BrideHour in your tweets.

So that is pretty much #BrideHour in a nutshell. Follow us on Twitter and we'll see you next time!
What Is #BrideHour? Reviewed by #BrideHour on 14:31 Rating: 5

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